It is once again the season of colds and other viral illnesses. The past weeks have seen an increasing number of students visiting the Infirmary for coughs, colds, sore throats, stomachaches, etc. Students who are not well enough to participate in class, those having a persistent cough, acute cold symptoms or fever should remain at home until they have recovered.
Important for all members of the school community to remember is the role of hand washing in reducing illness. The Center for Disease Control states that hand washing is the single most effective means of reducing the spread of infection.
At Campus des Nations students in Year 3 and 4 have been educated on the importance of hand washing. Posters and handwashing reminders have been placed throughout the school. Parents can reinforce the clean hands message with their children at home - hand washing reduces absenteeism in school and has a potential impact on overall school performance due to a reduction in days missed.
Other key ingredients to maintaining good health throughout the winter season include getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, adequate hydration and regular exercise. Something to strive for throughout the entire school year!
(For a humorous - but educational - video on coughing, sneezing and the spread of germs see